Société des Professionnels Italiens du Nucléaire en France - SPIN

SPIN, Society of Italian Nuclear Professionals in France, is a French association which aims to represent and congregate the community of Italian professionals in the French nuclear energy sector, increase its visibility and provide networking opportunities. 

Our ambition

The Société des Professionnels Italiens du Nucléaire en France (SPIN) aims to foster networking among Italian nuclear professionals in France, advocate for their expertise, promote open discussion and collaboration in the nuclear energy sector and disseminate accurate information about nuclear energy.


SPIN seeks to build and feed relationships among Italian nuclear professionals in France. The aim is to foster a supportive community that can share career paths, skills, and experiences through various initiatives. 


The association strives to advocate for the recognition of Italian expertise in the French nuclear sector. The aim is to provide a structured and credible contribution to the nuclear energy debate and engage with public, private, and societal stakeholders. 


SPIN promotes discussions, the exchange of ideas, and better collaboration among its members on topics related to the nuclear energy sector. It serves as a platform to stimulate dialogue and cohesion among Italian nuclear professionals in France.  


The association organizes public events to discuss, debate, and disseminate accurate information about nuclear energy. The goal is to promote discussions on energy and sustainable development policies in both France and Italy. 


SPIN seeks to make France an attractive destination for young, passionate Italians interested in nuclear energy. The association facilitates internships and other similar activities within French institutions to encourage their inclusion in the French nuclear energy sector.